Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Super secret way of getting traffic to your site

Traffic generation is crucial to any online business, and I think few people would argue that point. Here is one way of doing it with really good results.
eBay classified ads cost just $9.95 for a 30 day listing on eBay, and will typically generate around 200 visitors to your ad. I have seen some ads that generate over 1,000 visitors in 30 days.

1. You need to write a classified ad that deals specifically with the product you are selling, or something within your niche. If you are just looking for more people to get to your website, then you are going to set the sales price for your classified ad to just 1 penny. This way more people will click on your ad because of the low price.

2. Your ad should contain some sort of product review. You want to review your product or the product you are promoting in a positive manner without appearing too much like a salesman. Instead of giving your product a 5 out of 5, maybe give it around a 4.4 rating. Still very good,but doesn't seem to much like a sales pitch.

3. You are either going to include a link to your website, or tell people to email you for more information. Technically you are not supposed to put website links in eBay classified ads, but I have not seen them punish anyone for doing so. I say go ahead and do it until eBay tightens up there policy.

eBay classified ads with get you 3,000 visitors in 30 days if you set up 10-12 quality ads. For a small investment you can have a massive amount of traffic. In addition eBay traffic is better than regular search engine traffic because people are looking to buy something, meaning your conversion rates will triple if not quadruple!

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