Saturday, January 24, 2009

8 Daily Tasks to Have a Popular Blog

Spend 30 Minutes on Twitter - You can spend more time, but no less than 30 minutes. Twitter isn't for marketing your blog, but for networking and building a community. This community over time will lead to traffic to your blog. Feel free to post you new blog posts on Twitter as well.

Use MyBlogLog - If you'll add at least 1 person and 1 community to your MyBlogLog account each day, you will see large gains in readers to your blog very quickly. As you add these communities and people, others will start seeing you and adding you themselves.

Comment On Your 10 Favorite Blogs - This works best when these blogs are in the same niche as you and have a rather large readership. This also helps you to brainstorm ideas for new posts on your own blog.

Comment On 10 New Blogs - These blogs don't have to be in your niche.Sometimes your best and most loyal readers are from people you'd never even think would be interested in what you have to say.

Meet Physical People - When we think of driving traffic to a blog we always think of ways to do it online, but just like with any business, trying to drive traffic from real people you meet and talk to everyday outside of the internet is just as good. Try giving your blog address to at least 1 or 2 new people everytime you leave your house. Business cards are a great way to do this.

Social Media - Try to join at least 1 new social media site each week.

Forums - Make at least 2 posts each day on a forum related to your blog niche. Don't make posts telling people how great your blog is and that they should visit it. Instead, actually help others by posting useful content, then add your blog and name to your signature. Don't make your signature big and flashy. Make it plain and simple, and if they like your posts, they will click your link to your blog.

Email - Each and every email you send out should contain the title and link of your latest blog post. This works really well and is a way to say visit my blog that I'm so proud of without saying it.

The more time you spend on each item, and the more you increase the numbers on each item, the bigger the gains in traffic you'll have. Feel free to spend as much or as little time on each as you'd like.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Getting a High Google Page Rank

The success of any website depends on the rank that is assigned to it by popular search engines--the greater the rank the higher is the possibility of getting noticed on the Internet.The ones in the top ten positions are visited the most.

For improving the PageRank of a website it is important to understand the process in which the ranking is done.

The PageRank (PR) given to a webpage indicates its importance. The webpage that ranks first is, obviously, a lot more important than the webpage that ranks eighth or ninth in the search engine listings. Google is considered to be the most important search engine by the web browsers. For assigning PRs Google first looks for pages that are linked up with other sites the most. When one webpage links up with another webpage, Google interprets that the first webpage is casting a vote for the second webpage. The importance of a webpage is determined by the number of votes it gets--the greater the number of votes, the more important it is perceived to be.

Another factor that determines the importance that a webpage gains depends on the significance of the voter itself. If a webpage gets its votes from web pages that are very important, it is considered to have a greater importance than the ones that are voted by a large number of web pages that are not all that important.
The PR feature is one of the vital factors that determines the rank that Google assigns to the webpages in its search engine results, though it is not the only criterion for deciding its search engine rankings. The search engine rankings are influenced by factors other than the PR feature too.
While calculating the PR Google does not take all the linkings into account. If a webpage is getting links from known link farms, the link is not considered for deciding upon the PR. Link farm can be defined as a group of websites that hyperlink to every other site existing in the group. In fact, a webpage can get into trouble with Google for linking up with certain links. Google does not penalize webpages for the links that automatically link up with them, but they definitely penalize a webpage for forming some unfavorable links, because forming links is in the hands of the webmasters, though getting automatically linked up is not controlled by them. Hence a webpage needs to be very careful about the association that it makes. Usually sites that have a PR zero are the ones that are under a penalty and they should not be linked to.

For calculating the PR, the number of its inbound links is first considered. Google has a generalized formula which it uses to calculate the PR.It is always better to get a link from a page that has a PR value of 5 and has six other links than from one which has a PR value of 12 and links up with 20 other web pages. This signifies that getting links from web pages that have numerous other links is not really helpful. It is better to link with web pages that have a high PR and link up with a lesser number of other websites.

It is also seen that the difference between the PR values of web pages is not equal, i.e., the difference between PR1 and PR2 and the difference between PR2 and PR3 is not same. It is believed that the difference is set on a logarithmic scale and it takes a greater amount of PR value to move from the one rank to the next higher ranks. In such a case it is seen that linking with a webpage that has more PR value is more profitable than linking with a webpage with lesser PR value, which is a contrary result to what has been deduced from the previous conclusion. However, in any case, it is seen that linking with other web pages increases the PR value and it is always better to avoid linking with link farms.

It should also be borne in mind that by voting for another webpage, the PR of a webpage does not decrease. But it is seen that the PR is lost in an indirect way by linking to other sites. The quality of linking done enhances the PR value of a page. Good linking gives a high rank, whereas a poor ranking gives a low rank. PRs are equally distributed between the different pages that a particular webpage links to. But, nowadays, certain techniques are used for increasing the PR values on some sites by using channeling methodologies.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Blog for Money-Quick Basic Tips

Quick guide to blog for money.Follow these tips below to start a blog to make money today.

-choose a topic which you enjoy so that you will be able to post at least once a day.Check to see how popular your chosen topic is by using the Google Keyword Tool.
-start your blog on blogger.Choose your design from one of the templates provided.
-do not insert adsense straight away.First work on your content.Post good relevant posts for at least a month first.
-see articles on ezine articles that are relevant to your topic and add those links to your blogsite.
-check on clickbank if there are no products which you can promote which are relevant to your topic and add them to your site.
-do a google search on your topic name + forum.Join the popular forums related to your topic.Start contributing and making relevant comments.Attach your blog link to your comments
-write articles on your topic and submit to ezine articles.Again attach your link to your submissions.Write articles that are relevant to your topic.
-do the above exercises as regularly as you can.

After a month check on your links by using the submit express link counter tool.This will tell you how many quality backlinks you have generated via exercises above.
Insert adsense.
Apply to blogging-for-money programs and see if your blog will be accepted for you to do reviews on certain products and earn money.This way you can start getting paid to blog.
The above exercises if done correctly will enable you to earn money via adsense which are google ads placed on your site,commission earned through clickbank products sold via your affiliate links and payment of reviews you will do via blogging-for-money programs.

Simple quick easy tips to get you started.As you progress you will learn about more ways to make money blogging.Do not give up quickly.Initially you will feel like you are writing for nobody because you have no traffic but as you progress and you see traffic(via Google analytics)it will be really worth it.The most important thing is to choose a niche topic which you enjoy.
Blog Ideas
Choose a topic which interests you.Do a search on that topic via Google Keyword Tool.See other relevant searches with high traffic and low advertising % and get blog ideas from those results and start your blog.Then apply the tips above.Good Luck!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Start Your Blog Today

Start your blog today by following the tips below.You will not regret it.

Choose a Topic and Goal for Your Blog

What will you blog about? You can blog about anything you choose, but when you're assessing a topic, ask yourself what the primary goal for the blog will be. Sometimes the goal comes first. For example, if you intend using the blog as a writing portfolio, then that will be the blog's only goal.Start another blog if you want to blog about something else.

Stick to the Topic and Remember Your Goal
Once your blog gets readers, they'll be annoyed to discover that your blog about dog health has suddenly morphed into a blog about low carb diets. Once you choose a topic for your blog, stick to it.
Tip: expect to make several false starts before you settle on a blog topic you love, define goals which get you excited, and develop a blogging routine.

Be Positive at All Times
Writers tend to complain about the writing life. Please don't do it on your blog

Create an "About" Page With a Bio
Your readers want to know who you are. Tell them.

Be Consistent: Choose a Schedule and Stick to It
Will you blog once or several times a day, a couple of times a week.
Stick to a schedule; your readers will appreciate it.

Content Comes First, then Promotion
Once you've written ten posts, promote your blog, but keep adding content too.

Set Blogging Goals to Match Your Writing Goals
A blog can help you to achieve your writing goals. After you've been blogging for three months, assess where you want to go in your writing, and make a blogging plan.

For example, let's say you want to be published in Magazine X. Announce this goal on your blog. Report on queries you've sent to the magazine. Yes, the editor will read your blog post, and then your query. Sneaky, eh? (Note: this only works if your blog is about your writing, so if your blog isn't, start a new "my writing" blog.)

Realize That Your Entire Blog Is a "Writing Sample"
This means: spell check and proofread.

Review Your Goals Every Six Months
Your goals will change as you blog. Set new goals often.

Leverage Your Blog: It's a Business Asset
You can leverage any blog in many ways.
* Write a book based on your blog entries;
* Get more clients via your blog (as your blog gets indexed in the search engines you'll get more traffic);
* Make money on your blog in various ways;
* Sell your blog for a fast blast of cash. You can even create "niche" blogs on popular topics for the sole purpose of selling them.

Now that you have read these tips I suggest you go ahead and start blogging.You do not need to implement all the above tips but keep them at the back of your mind for when you are ready.Belive me you will get the feel of when you are ready for the next step.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Easy to follow tips to get traffic to your blog

Traffic is important to the success of your internet business but you do not need to spend a lot of money to do it.The main idea is to "leave a trail".Wherever you go, you need to be leaving the link to your site, your URL, everywhere.

A good place to begin is by placing well-written Classified Ads on sites like,,,

You can then start a Blog using either or Both are free to join, easy to set up and easy to post to. You should always put your URL at the end of your blog entries and try to post something every day. Another way to maximise Blogs is by finding other blogs in your niche and posting to these also. Again, leaving your URL at the end of each entry.

Get involved in forum marketing. Find groups in your industry sector and get involved. You can find some good ones at, Yahoo Groups, and so on. An important point here, you need to take a few weeks to build up some trust and credibility with these forums. Make some thoughtful posts, join the community and add some value. Don't just spam the heck out of the members with your business opportunity and URL. It will get you nowhere and hurt you in the long run. Once the members trust you and know you, you can add thousands of subscribers to your list by posting useful information with links to your opt-in page included.

Your next tactic is Article Marketing. This is a highly efficient way of generating targeted traffic to your site. It also generates thousands of backlinks to your site. Take the time to write ten or so articles and submit them for free to different article directories. Some of the best ones are,,, and These all get crawled by the internet search engines on a regular basis which can get them indexed and ranked highly. The key to article writing is consistency as over time it can have a snowball effect with traffic coming from all directions.

Social networks are another excellent way to drive traffic to your site if you join the social network groups and forums for your market. Build a profile and homepage relevant to your market and then post links there back to your opt-in page, invite people to be your friends and watch the opt-ins soar.

Press Releases are great for generating free traffic too. You can submit to directories such as FreePressRelease,24-7Pressrelease, PRfree and others that you can find on Google. Anytime you have something to announce, a new product or product enhancement, a new idea, whatever, submit it as a press release.

Tools like Google Analytics will analyse for you what is driving most traffic. This is important and something you need to know because you want to focus on what works best.

This takes several months of consistent, persistent application to get results. So my advice is break it down, make a plan and then work your plan! It will not be long before you see traffic coming from everywhere and your opt-ins and sales begin to soar!

Friday, January 9, 2009

SEO Link Building Using A Link Counter Tool

Link building has proven to have the greatest effect in SEO efforts.It will be the number and quality of links pointing to your site that will be what gets your web pages found in search engines.
Link building involves getting your links onto other sites.It is important to remember in this process that you must have your link on a site where your content has relevance.Not all links are created equal and you must think quality first.

A very handy tool to ascertain quality of a site after you have decided on its relevance is the Link Counter Tool which is a tool supplied for free from Submit Express.This tool is very handy and can tell you how many outgoing links a web page has by entering the URL of the page.It is recommended that you do not exchange links with a site that has more than 50 outgoing links.By using this tool you will be able to establish if you would like to submit your link to them by ascertaining the quality of the site.To access this tool click on link below

The above tool is also valuable in counting the outgoing links on your own web pages and ensuring that they do not exceed the 50 mark.Obviously the lower the better for search engines to find you.Link building is finding many ingoing links to your site not outgoing.
I recommend keeping this tool in your important tools folder as it will prove to be very useful.

Getting more traffic to your site

There are paid options in getting traffic for search engine optimisation(SEO) but there are many programs out there that offer free traffic.This form of free traffic in itself is not SEO but the backlinks and exposure your site gets will actually improve SEO.
Basically the way it works is that you have to surf the sites they have in return for credits which translates to how many hits you have earned for your own site. Some sites offer a rotating view of sites or in some cases you can view by doing a search of topics which interest you.At the end of the surfing session your accumulated credits can be assigned to your site of choice and then you sit back and wait.You can monitor which of the programs are working for you by installing Google Analytics on your site and then monitor the traffic sources.You need to check out the site navigation,the reward structure in terms of referral,the ratio for surfing.For example some sites offer you 1:1 which means for every site you surf you receive 1 hit in return but others offer you a 5:3 ratio which means that for every 5 sites you surf you receive 3 hits in return.There is quite a bit of surfing involved in these free options but I would suggest registering for free on all the sites and then monitoring which ones work.After that you can explore the paid options with the best performing sites.Some ask for $1.95 for 1000 views and some can go up to $6.95 for the same amount of 1000 views.There is no surfing involved for you for those 1000 hits.

Register on these following traffic generation sites for free by clicking here.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Super secret way of getting traffic to your site

Traffic generation is crucial to any online business, and I think few people would argue that point. Here is one way of doing it with really good results.
eBay classified ads cost just $9.95 for a 30 day listing on eBay, and will typically generate around 200 visitors to your ad. I have seen some ads that generate over 1,000 visitors in 30 days.

1. You need to write a classified ad that deals specifically with the product you are selling, or something within your niche. If you are just looking for more people to get to your website, then you are going to set the sales price for your classified ad to just 1 penny. This way more people will click on your ad because of the low price.

2. Your ad should contain some sort of product review. You want to review your product or the product you are promoting in a positive manner without appearing too much like a salesman. Instead of giving your product a 5 out of 5, maybe give it around a 4.4 rating. Still very good,but doesn't seem to much like a sales pitch.

3. You are either going to include a link to your website, or tell people to email you for more information. Technically you are not supposed to put website links in eBay classified ads, but I have not seen them punish anyone for doing so. I say go ahead and do it until eBay tightens up there policy.

eBay classified ads with get you 3,000 visitors in 30 days if you set up 10-12 quality ads. For a small investment you can have a massive amount of traffic. In addition eBay traffic is better than regular search engine traffic because people are looking to buy something, meaning your conversion rates will triple if not quadruple!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Google in trouble in China

The Chinese government has decided to clean up the internet by targeting search engines that display pornographic content.Google is one of the search engines targeted.But at the crux of the matter is included in the list of search engines targeted is one specific one where the Chinese post criticisms of the government.
Read the article below for more info

China to 'clean up' the internet
By Michael Bristow
BBC News, Beijing
Millions of Chinese people use the internet
The Chinese authorities have launched a fresh campaign to get rid of unhealthy, vulgar and pornographic content on the internet.
The authorities have also published the names of 19 websites that have failed to heed requests to get rid of unsuitable material.
These include Google and China's top internet search engine, Baidu.
These websites could be closed down if they do not delete the offending material, according to one official.
China believes it has a duty to protect public morality.
Officials seem to be particularly concerned about pretty girls in suggestive poses that can be accessed through various websites.
They fear this and other "unhealthy" content could damage young people's physical and mental health.
Excuse for censorship?
The new campaign is being co-ordinated by a total of seven government ministries.
They have published the names of 19 offending websites that have so far ignored warnings to get rid of unsuitable content.
These websites are being told to clean up their websites - or else.
"We will continue to expose, punish or close down websites that have a lot of vulgar content," said one official, Cai Mingzhao, speaking on Chinese Central Television.
Officials also want the public to act as their eyes and ears in this campaign against sleaze.
But there is a fear the crackdown will not just be restricted to vulgar material.
The Chinese government keeps a firm grip on the internet, blocking certain websites and censoring some sensitive material.
This campaign could be used as an excuse to stifle political dissent in a country that allows little public criticism.
One of the websites that has been publicly criticised, Tianya, is popular with people who post their criticisms of the government.

Paid survey to earn baby stuff

Me again.This is for the moms out there.
Please have a look at this survey site can earn baby stuff by filling in surveys online.They have been around for 14 years and are ranked 92188 by Alexa which is good.Please try it out and let me know by commenting to this blog.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Resolution for 2009

Happy New Year!!!!
It's this time of the year again.The time where we look back and see what we did right and what we did wrong and then make resolutions for the new year to do more of the right things and less of the bad things.
I am going to list all my money making activities and make lists from best to worst of the following:
how much money I made
how enjoyable is the activity
how little time I spent on each activity

and then I am going to concentrate on the activities that appear in the top 5 of all 3 lists.

One thing I will keep though is the article writing even though I spend a lot of time on that,cannot track how much money I make but it is No 1 for enjoyment.Alas,some things you just have to do for pure pleasure.

Do you want to try your hand at article writing?Try